Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Gallery Wall Update

The most awesome part about cheap gallery wall art is that I can change it at any time without breaking the bank. The Spring flower theme wasn't cutting it for the Winter months... and since I put them in the frames, I've never felt like they fit in the room.

Here's my latest gallery wall update:

The picture is actually a night shot of downtown Bloomington, IN on the town square in front of the historic courthouse. I was standing in front of our family store and looking down the street. In focus, the area looks more like this, below. It's beautiful when it's all lit up for the Winter season.

Photo: Jeff Hammon - Flickr 

The photo effect is so pretty! It's seriously fueled my desire to buy a big-girl camera and quit using my ol' digital one that's ages old... only a SLR (or someone with serious patience in Photoshop) can create this blurry-lighting effect, called bokeh.

If you squint, you might be able to tell that the little red dots on the bottom left are a car's brake lights. I took the original picture and split it up into six panels in Photoshop and sized them to 11.5" squares. Then, I took the photos over to my favorite Kinko's and had them print each page out on 12"x18" paper for $1.79 a piece. You can't beat that!

*I would recommend, however, if you take on this project, to lighten up your photos before you bring them to print. Or, make sure they lighten them in the store. The panels turned out a little too dark for me. It was too late by the time I realized it. It's still good. :)

And once again, this artwork has special significance to me and Ben -- this is our town!

And, here's how it fits into the rest of (that side of) the room. It was insanely bright on the day I photographed it, so excuse the glare. Let's call that more reason to get a fancypants camera, eh?

So, there you have it - new photos and new artwork. How easy was that?

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