Thursday, July 7, 2011

One Masterpiece A Day: Day 7

Success! I just created one piece of artwork - a masterpiece, if you will - every day for a week to fill my empty gallery wall frames. I shared every print with you - free printablesI'm excited that a lot of you told me how you used the artwork I've made over the past few days. If you did, send me a photo of it on your walls, or leave a comment with a link to your own blog post showing your newly filled frames!

If you missed the earlier part of this week, never fear. Check out the rest of the week right over here! (Sorry, did not intend to rhyme. But you know how much I love rhyming.) I'm a little sad to see such a productive week go, but all good things come to an end. The flowers in my bud vase are also looking a little worse for the wear.  :) Thank you for sticking through this week with me!

Today's piece was inspired by some of the latest West Elm flower vases. It's a challenge for me to keep flowers alive-- I just learned this Spring that you're not supposed to put half of the seeds in the packet in one peat pot. Since black, brown, and dead is often characteristic of my gardening attempts, so with this print, I'm definitely poking a little fun at myself (and all of you fellow black thumbs out there)!

Masterpiece #7: Flowers on Water
Sized 12" x 16"

To get the file and print yourself,
1) Click here to Follow This Blog!
2) Download the file by clicking the image below.
3) Extra credit: 
leave a comment link to your blog to show me your newly framed artwork. Or, email me a photo of your living space showcasing your new prints!

So there you have it: we just made it through 7 days of printable artwork -- whew! But that's not all she wrote...There are a few projects I've been working on in the meanwhile. Who loves thrifted furniture? The big reveal coming next!

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