Friday, July 1, 2011

One Masterpiece A Day: Day 1

I considered it a win when I finally mustered up the motivation to hang some frames. Now, I have these gallery walls in the house that are filling up space -- but they're just empty. It was a good start to get the frames arranged and on the wall (which was half the battle), and Pinterest was very helpful for finding wall gallery layout ideas.

All of these frames are e.m.p.t.y. Empty. It's time to get on this artwork project already!  I'm committing to creating one masterpiece (a term used loosely) a day for the next week. And guess what? You benefit because I'm posting all of my printable artwork for you to download and use yourself. That's right: free printables. ENJOY!

Masterpiece #1: I Heart You Times A Million
15" x 15" hearts and hashes

To get the file,
1) Click here to Follow This Blog!
2) Download the file here.
3) (Extra credit:) Leave a comment and let me know you enjoyed it!

Or, see my DIY Guide to get the rest of your wall art.

I Heart You Times A Million

If you're interested in seeing where all of this "art" will go in my house, read on.

Here are my two nekkid galleries... numero uno, the dining area:

Zoom out a little and it smells like potential.

Despite the big hard drive crash of 2011 (another name for I-dropped-my-hard-drive-and-now-all-of-my-files-and-photos-are-gone-forever"), I managed to dig up a Master Bedroom before photo that I had captured on my phone. You can do me a favor and ignore the poor lighting.

The gallery wall After, which is getting there (as soon as I suck it up and paint the walls already). Let's call the frames on the wall a "good start."

As a bonus, here are the photos I tinted sepia in Photoshop and added above the dresser:

Why does everything look so classy in sepia?

Yeah, we were on a playground at the park. Sometimes you just can't say no to a friendly playground horse.

Anyway, keep on heading back here. There will be more creativity seeping out of this blog in the upcoming weeks!

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1 comment:

  1. I love it! I am downloading for my daughter's room. Thanks a lot!
